Are You There, God? It's Me, Podcast.
We are two sassy ladies who are revisiting the children's and YA books of our past... jokes, occasional curse words, nostalgia, and hilarity ensue! Come join us.
Are You There, God? It's Me, Podcast.
24: Girl, You'll Be A... oh, wait, this is gross. (Natalie Babbitt's Tuck Everlasting)
Holy, cow! We're back! Can you believe it? We've missed you SO MUCH. Don't ask, it was rough.
Here's our latest, a discussion of Tuck Everlasting (1975), written by Natalie Babbitt. You guys think this one's going to be cute because Rory Gilmore was in the movie version... but it's not. We make up for it with a 3.5 minute recap of the entire "Twilight" saga you never knew you needed. We also touch on the topic of old and young (and immortal) horses of all sizes.
Our next episode will be about Maudie and Me and the Dirty Book (1980), a beautiful, fantastic (yet out of print) book by Betty Miles that might just make you wanna get up and vote in an election some time in the near future. Ahem.
See you soon!