Are You There, God? It's Me, Podcast.
We are two sassy ladies who are revisiting the children's and YA books of our past... jokes, occasional curse words, nostalgia, and hilarity ensue! Come join us.
Are You There, God? It's Me, Podcast.
#25: Bubble Gum, Bubble Gum, Bubble Gum (Betty Miles's Maudie and Me and the Dirty Book)
We have been so excited to share this book with you for so long. It's Maudie and Me and the Dirty Book (1980), written by an amazing author named Betty Miles. It touches on SO MANY of the issues that we are facing still, 40 years later, when it comes to children's literature. We hope you will enjoy our discussion and let us know your thoughts (aytgpodcast@gmail.com).
Other talking points: Below Deck (the OG for now, but Erin is catching up on spin-offs), first grade classroom management, and (of course) actual dirty books. Come join us!
Next time: The Doll's House (1947), by Rumer Godden. See you then!
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