Are You There, God? It's Me, Podcast.
Are You There, God? It's Me, Podcast.
3: You want me to swear on WHAT, now? (John D. Fitzgerald's The Great Brain)
We are discussing The Great Brain (1967), written by John D. Fitzgerald. TW (and, I guess, spoiler alert?): this book contains religious bigotry and incredibly disrespectful behavior toward Native Americans. Furthermore, a child attempts to commit suicide in the final chapter.
We're gonna be frank with you, listeners: if you haven't read this book before, you might want to skip the episode. We'd understand.
Buy the book on Amazon, borrow it from your local library on Overdrive, or read the book summary on Wikipedia.
Background information: Do you miss watching "Little House on the Prairie?" We do, too. You can catch it on Amazon Prime or on Peacock! You're welcome. You can also learn more about Erin's REAL favorite podcast at http://babysittersclubclub.com/.
Our next book will be Harriet the Spy, by Louise Fitzhugh!