Are You There, God? It's Me, Podcast.
Are You There, God? It's Me, Podcast.
9: Bingle bongle by! (Beverly Cleary's Beezus and Ramona)
Guys, Beezus & Ramona (1955), by Beverly Cleary, is a NATIONAL TREASURE. However, if you're feeling a little cynical, reading this book might raise some questions you had never considered before.
Questions like... What would you do if 15 preschoolers (and one baby) just showed up, unannounced, at your door? Why is baking a cake so hard for Mrs. Quimby? And when did the public library stop demanding to know the occupations of all of its card-carriers' fathers? It really does make you stop and think.
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Next time: Crash Landing (Sweet Valley High #20), by Francine Pascal. Ooooh, get ready.