Are You There, God? It's Me, Podcast.
We are two sassy ladies who are revisiting the children's and YA books of our past... jokes, occasional curse words, nostalgia, and hilarity ensue! Come join us.
Are You There, God? It's Me, Podcast.
12: Chairman Mao Has Prevailed (Judy Blume's Just As Long As We're Together)
Episode 12
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00:00 | 55:25
Welcome to Episode 12, where our obsession with pre-"Pretty Woman" Richard Gere sets off a series of crazy culture breaks. It's all in the name of discussing Judy Blume's epic tale of middle school friendship, Just As Long As We're Together (1987). I mean, which poster of a middle-aged man would YOU tack on YOUR ceiling?
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In two weeks: We FINALLY get to the bottom of the milk and mustard mystery with Fifth Grade Secrets, an out-of-print doozy by Janet Adele Bloss. See you then!!