Are You There, God? It's Me, Podcast.
Are You There, God? It's Me, Podcast.
15: Trigger Warnings for the Win! (Barthe DeClements' Nothing's Fair in Fifth Grade)
Whelp, we've found it. The book that encapsulates just about everything that was really rough about the 1980s, from fat-shaming, to absentee (yet still living in the house) fathers, to hitchhikings gone horribly wrong. It's Nothing's Fair in Fifth Grade (1981), and let's face it - in the world we enter in this book, the unfairness clearly extends beyond just one year of elementary school. Trigger warnings for people who have struggled with body image, disordered eating, and bullying.
Come for the afterschool special that is meant for kids MUCH older than you, stay for the light "Billions" spoilers and discussions of Matt vs. Ben. If you didn't see "The Voyage of the Mimi" when you were a kid, you missed out on GREATNESS.
Next time: our spooky season arrives with Wait Till Helen Comes (1986), by Mary Downing Hahn.
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