Are You There, God? It's Me, Podcast.
We are two sassy ladies who are revisiting the children's and YA books of our past... jokes, occasional curse words, nostalgia, and hilarity ensue! Come join us.
Are You There, God? It's Me, Podcast.
20: A Tale of Two Mary Annes (Baby Sitter's Club #4, Mary Anne Saves the Day, by Anne M. Martin)
McConaghy & Stone
It's a super special episode for us, folks, as we engage in a multi-media discussion of Erin's favorite children's series of all, all time: The Baby Sitter's Club. We read the fourth book, Mary Anne Saves the Day (1987), and then watched the thoroughly modernized adaptation available on Netflix now. And we loved ALLLLLLL of it. Ann M. Martin rules over a strong and powerful empire, and although we are beyond baby sitting age ourselves, we remain devoted followers.
In three weeks: Superfudge, by Judy Blume. Happy Holidays, y'all!