Are You There, God? It's Me, Podcast.
We are two sassy ladies who are revisiting the children's and YA books of our past... jokes, occasional curse words, nostalgia, and hilarity ensue! Come join us.
Are You There, God? It's Me, Podcast.
22: Hey, Siri, what's a bockle? (Lois Lowry's Anastasia, At Your Service)
McConaghy & Stone
We've said it before and we'll say it again: Anastasia Krupnik is an absolute GEM of a character. Unfortunately, her new employer, Mrs. Bellingham, is less-than gemmy herself. We console ourselves with discussions of baby Sam Krupnik, and we revisit that extra alarming feeling when a potential kindred spirit turns out to be the hottest! and Most! Volatile! Of adolescent MESSES!
Come for the book recap, stay for the fangirling over magician David Copperfield! We're glad to have you here!
Next time: the immortal classic Charlotte's Web (1952), by E.B. White.